inaluxe wrapping paper 1

inaluxe wrapping paper

Hot wrapping paper in town! Inaluxe proudly presents their latest design: wrapping paper to fold with love!

Inaluxe -Kristina Sostarko and Jason Odd- is a small independent design studio based in Australia, specialising in illustration and design. Since its beginnings in 2006, the Inaluxe range has grown, and seen many changes.
Super excited about their latest creation? They have designed the wrapping paper for Earth Greeting and it's called Garden Party. Made in Australia, carbon neutral, environmentally friendly, printed on 100% recycled paper and with vegetable dyes. They have made the birds and flowers extra big in the design, so we can really see the details in the petals, wings, ...
Pretty party present styling, small wall coverings or just a great design to style your wooden hang-on-the-wall boxes!
More info: the Earth Greetings online store - $6.00 a sheet

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