Arthur Slenk; Piet Hein Eek; Piet Boon; Merci; Rick Vintage; NLX

NLXL wall papers

If you don't know NLXL and you're in the mood for some wall pimping, than really have a look at the quality designer NLXL wall papers.

NLXL was founded in the Netherlands in 2010 by Rick and Esther Vintage. The first collection of wallpapers was designed by the Dutch designer Piet Hein Eek and became an instant success. The 'Scrapwood Wallpaper' collection is sold in 56 countries.

In 2012 NLXL launched 2 new collections with the Parisian concept store Merci and Dutch Designer Piet Boon. These collections have been introduced at ICFF New York, Pulse Show London and Japantex Tokio.


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