installation 1

oh my goodness birthday styling for huiszwaluw

Oh My Goodness! The lovely belgian interior shop Huiszwaluw is celebrating its fifth anniversary this year... & I've been asked to celebrate with them.

Happy moodmaker for a month. From now on till the 15th of February you can discover the sweet & golden table 'installation' I've made for Huiszwaluw. Using accessories from their beautiful collection. (Ferm LIVING, House Doctor, Bloomingville, Donna Wilson,...)

From furniture to little gifts with a Scandinavian touch...  or happiness through local Ghent designs. The fantastic shop will trigger your interior styling mind. Go & Discover the goodness! Happy birthday Huiszwaluw!


VIDEO:  Oh My Goodness at Huiszwaluw -- Preparing the installation while DIFT was watching me


Huiszwaluw -- Hoogpoort 3b, 9000 Ghent - Belgium

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